Below you will find a selection of books I have found interesting and would recommend. They include all the topics covered on this site. The list will be constantly evolving, so please check back for more titles.
Should you wish to read any of the below books, there is a link in the picture to Amazon.
The Little Book of Valuation
Aswath Damodaran is a giant in his field. The insightfulness packed into this book make it a must read for anyone wanting to learn best practice in valuation. Covering both intrinsic and relative valuation, Damodaran displays the importance of valuation and the correct drivers to assess in its calculation.
Barbarians at the Gate
A great insight into 1980s deal making closely following the largest LBO of the time between KKR and the purchase of conglomerate NJR Nabisco.
The Everything Store
This is a brilliant portrayal of the beginnings of Amazon and Jeff Bezos himself.
“People never remember John Henry died”
A homage to innovation and technological progress, the book is a must read for anyone wanting to see how Amazon is continually disrupting markets.
Thinking fast and slow
A great insight into the pitfalls we all subconsciously fall for. Applicable for all but especially suited for helping the mind of an investor.
The Most Important Thing
This is a great read for any value oriented investor. Making light of the multitude of requirements in investing, Marks adroitly demonstrates the thinking that has guided him in his illustrious career.
Everybody lies
A fascinating book on what big data is teaching us about ourselves and its far reaching future uses…
Digital gold
An insiders view to the founding of Bitcoin and the continuing mystery over the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.
One of the best books on the list. A must read from 2017. Yuval takes you through a history of our species, covering a vast number of seismic events since our first beginnings.
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent” Keynes comment has never been more true than in the case of the implosion of Long Term Capital Management.
Big Data
A fascinating look into what we have achieved so far and the endless possibilities for the future.
The intelligent investor
The value investors classic, a must read for any equity investor. The teachings of Graham have inspired some of the greatest ever investors, a trend that is likely to continue.
The Master algorithm
Which school of thought will succeed in the race to AI? A comprehensive view of all parties involved.
The rise and fall of nations
If investing in the emerging markets, or generally interested in the macro outlook. Ruchir shares his vast knowledge on what factors to look for when assessing a nations likelihood of prosperity.
In my opinion the best of all of Malcolm Gladwell’s books. There is often more than meets the eye when assessing someones success. This book helps put perspective on the individual attributes that help people on their way.
Black Edge
The story of the FBI’s pursuit of Stevie Cohen the infamous founder of SAC Capital. Vividly showing the hedge funds industries need for more and more information, it depicts how far some go to gain an edge over competition, legal or otherwise…
The Best Investment Writing
A succinct collection of writings by prominent investors. An interesting read to get opinions from differing investors all at the top of their game
Fooled by Randomness
“It ain’t over till it’s over” Yogi Berra. Love him or hate him, Taleb makes a compelling case for the underappreciation and protection against the role of randomness in outcomes.
Against the Gods
Why did we wait so long to see our own influence in future outcomes? Bernstein brilliantly argues how the understanding of probability, and therefore risk, is one of the the greatest breakthroughs in our development as a species.